Cheaper Phone Plans

In February 2024 this website crashed for no apparent reason. Despite using professionals at it was impossible to restore anything after October 2021 (over 100 posts). I do have many of those post in draft form (no final edit or photos) and I have decided to repost them in that manner. I apologize for typos and other errors. How do I feel about losing all of my original work? Life goes on.

I recently posted on expanding internet options for travelers, and in that post, I mentioned that one of the most convenient and cost-effective ways to do this was to go with a cellular reseller or MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) option. I have gone deep in the weeds on this topic and to say that it can be confusing for the consumer would be an understatement. However, if you are willing to put in a little work you can save quite a bit of cash if you use an MVNO plan as either your primary number or if you are a traveler who wants to have several different carriers so you can maximize your chances at getting a signal when you are in the bush.

We all have different cell phone needs. Naturally, someone who only sends text messages and checks email is in a different category than someone who wants to stream Netflix. In turn, that consumer has different needs from someone who works on the road and needs a constant high-speed connection. Those in this last category need the best of everything to ensure that they are always on. If you are in the last group, you can stop reading this post now; you need high-end resources, not the bargain ones that I’m about to discuss.

I will also mention some of the pluses and minuses that I have had on my journey. However, things change rapidly in the world of cell plans, so use my examples as thinking points, not as ongoing truth. I should mention that I have had a cell phone plan of some sort since 1987, and have used many different traditional network and MVNO plans during that time. For instance, when my kids were young I traveled to a distant city once a week and I had to have a solid plan that worked everywhere. I had a Verizon plan, but my middle school kids were on Tracfones. Why? No one was going to steal a candy bar phone with Tracfone branding, and if they lost the phone it was not the end of the world. Currently, five of us are on a TMobile plan and have been for almost a decade. It has served us pretty well for our urban/suburban uses.

As a retired person who loves to travel to remote locations I have been looking at, and trying, different options to stay connected to my family when I am away. I also need to accomplish the usual things like paying bills, researching topics on the web, and streaming content when possible.

With the above preamble, let’s now get into the weeds.

There are ways to enhance any cell signal, and I touched on some of those in my last post. I’m not going to talk about those options here as this post will be long with just the content on using multiple cell services.

TMobile has been improving over the years and it is surprising how well its coverage has increased. However, there are times when I don’t have a signal while those around me do. With that said, there have been times when others have not had a signal and I have. Although people assume that Verizon has the best overall coverage it may not have coverage where you are. If you really want connectivity you should consider contracting with several carriers. However, that option can be expensive. That is why an MVNO may be a reasonable choice. Note, that cost savings will come with some compromise. The simpler your needs the easier it is to swallow those shortcomings.

An MVNO is a company that buys huge chunks of bandwidth from one or several of the major carriers and then resells that bandwidth to the consumer. In the US there are three major cell companies, Verizon, ATT, and TMobile. A fourth nationwide service is being built out by Dish Network. In “the day” most MVNOs were independent of the big three. However, many are now subsidiaries. For example, Boost, Tracfone, Net10, Straight Talk, Cricket Wireless, and Visible Wireless are owned by traditional cell phone companies. Consolidation may reduce competition, but these subsidiaries are backed by their hugely successful parent companies so it is likely that they will have the ability to update their services as needed. I can’t say how many MVNOs there are, but you can assume that there are dozens, so there are quite a few independent and subsidiary options. Within an MVNO there are often several tiered plans that offer various benefits. I’ll talk about that in a minute, but first let’s explore the big elephant in the room: customer service.

Most MVNOs are web-based, although some, like Boost and Straight Talk, have retail outlets of one sort or another. A rare few, like Consumer Cellular, have great customer support, while others are terrible. Some may only provide support by Chat, while others may have phone, email, text, and chat support.

I recently used chat to solve a problem with Visible (Verizon network) and the process went fairly smoothly. I also wanted to try an ATT hotspot on the MVNO, Red Pocket. They sent me a TMobile hotspot (I already have TMobile) and so I contacted them via text. That was an agonizing process. In the end, it became evident that it would be impossible for me to exchange or return the router and SIM that I purchased, so I’m eating the loss. If you are tech-phobic I would suggest that you use major carriers where you can go into a store and get help.

Most MVNOs only use the towers that are part of the network that they are contracting with. Major carriers have arrangements with other national and regional carriers to provide some sort of service when a phone is out of their service area. This could mean that you will have no service if you are on a Verizon-based MVNO plan whereas your friend has service on a “real” Verizon plan.

Note, that even with traditional plans “partner” towers may not deliver normal services. On occasion, I travel 80 miles to a different city. Twenty-one of those miles are covered by a TMobile partner. You would think that I would have full service there, but I don’t. With 4 bars of signal, I got good phone and SMS service, but any data service (including iMessage) is extraordinarily slow.

Recently, Visible changed its plans and is now completely integrated into Verizon so it can use Verizon’s roaming partners. This will likely be a welcome change, but since this plan just started a few days ago I can’t say for certain.

Most MVNOs use cloud-based servers. This is not an issue for most, but it does mean that ping times can be long. Ping time is the time that it takes for a signal to go to the server and back to the phone. Long ping times are an issue for those that need very speedy responses, like gamers.

Things to consider when choosing an MVNO:

  1. What cell company do they contract with? MVNOs are sometimes not allowed to reveal this information, but they will often hint at the answer, or you can just ask Google. As an example, if you already have TMobile you don’t want to use Mint Mobile as your secondary carrier as they use TMobile towers.
  2. Is the network managed? In most cases, the answer is yes. MVNOs will often cap data rates. However, the Mbps will still be high enough for most tasks. However, if a tower is highly congested, data can really slow down. If you are camping in the boonies, this will not be a problem. This would be more of an issue if you lived in a population-dense area (high rise in a big city) or if you were at a big venue (a concert or sporting event). This slow-down phenomenon can happen if you are a customer of the big three too. It was impossible for me to post a photo to Facebook from my daughter’s graduation (from a college stadium) while on traditional TMobile. However, MVNOs often get the lowest priority.
  3. What bands are available? Some MVNOs only provide a 4G connection, others include 5G, but not the ultra speed 5G HD bands. Still, others will include 5G HD. Note, that 5G HD has very limited availability for all cell phone customers. TMobile greatly extended its coverage by using low-band standard 5G. If you are using an MVNO that uses the TMobile network in the boonies you want the MVNO to have 5G capabilities (but not necessarily 5G HD). Remember, your phone also has to be 5G capable.
  4. Does your MVNO company allow you to use your phone as a hotspot, and is there a limit on how much data you can use in this mode? Visible allows for unlimited hotspot use but caps the data at around 5 Mbps. That is fine for most users, but you won’t be able to run multiple data hogs at the same time using this level of connection. Other companies may limit the GBs allowed to be used as a hotspot. For instance, you may have a 50 GB plan, but only 10 GB can be used via the phone’s hotspot function.
  5. Many MVNOs now offer unlimited phone and text, but some very cheap plans may limit these services. Perhaps they will give you 500 minutes of talk time and 1000 text messages per month. These limited plans are super cheap and could be an option if all you want is an emergency secondary backup connection. As an aside, they will often include a tiny amount of data, perhaps 500 MB. It is possible to get a limited plan for as little as $5/month.
  6. How much data do you need? Plans start at around 500 MB and go to unlimited data. Most unlimited plans will only give you a portion of that data at high speed. Once you reach your limit they may throttle you when you are on a congested tower, or automatically reduce your speed to an extremely slow rate. Some limited data plans will just stop service when you reach your limit. Each MVNO has its own rules, so read the fine print. There are calculators on the Web that can help you determine how much data you will need.
  7. What phones can you use? Most MVNOs are compatible with iPhones and Samsung devices, but they may not be compatible with other brands. Some MVNOs sell phones, while others don’t. Some offer phone financing, while others don’t. An MVNO will usually list compatible phones on its website. Some will have you enter the phone’s IMEI number so they can say with certainty if the phone will work.
  8. If you bought your phone on contract from a major carrier you will need to pay it off before you can use it on an MVNO. Then the major carrier will free the phone for use elsewhere (unlocked).
  9. Some MVNOs have data plans for traditional separate hotspots, while others don’t. Some will allow you to use your phone as a hotspot, while others won’t. Don’t forget that you can always use an adapter to directly connect your phone to the HDMI port on a TV to stream movies without using an external WiFi device.
  10. Some phones now allow you to have multiple carriers on the same device. My iPhone 12 Pro Max will handle both SIM cards and eSIMs (electronic SIM). Installing an eSIM was simple and immediate on Visible. Some MVNOs have the capability to use eSIMs, and some don’t. My eSIM is on Visible and my regular SIM is on TMobile. It is very easy to change between the two providers.

You can reduce your data needs by controlling your streaming. The two biggest data hogs are video streaming (YouTube, Netflix, etc), and audio streaming, with video streaming being the greatest consumer. Watching a YouTube video at 360p will use up around 300 MB (0.3 GB) of data an hour while watching the same video at 4K resolution will consume up to 14 GB of data. That is 47 times more data! Watching a video at 360p on a phone isn’t too bad, but it won’t look very good on a 60” TV. Many MVNOs limit streaming to 420p, which is DVD quality.

Getting back to my Red Pocket experience. After dealing with horrible text customer service I literally gave up and I’m eating the $80 that I spent on a SIM card and mobile hotspot. However, Red Pocket does have great prices and I wanted to see if an ATT-connected MVNO could give me additional coverage. I’m now going to try one of their small phone/data plans which I’ll connect with a cheap Android phone. Red Pocket does allow phones to be used as hotspots, so fingers crossed.

I understand that this was an extremely long post, and I thank you if you have read it in its entirety. Sadly, there was no way to shorten this complex topic (at least I don’t know of any). Happy travels!


Washing Machine

In February 2024 this website crashed for no apparent reason. Despite using professionals at it was impossible to restore anything after October 2021 (over 100 posts). I do have many of those post in draft form (no final edit or photos) and I have decided to repost them in that manner. I apologize for typos and other errors. How do I feel about losing all of my original work? Life goes on.

When I was searching for a house, I looked for specific features.  However, only after I moved in did I realize that one of the best additions was something I hadn’t even given much thought to.  What was that?  Having my own washer and dryer.  

I had lived in several apartments before buying a home and accepted the hassle of laundry day.  However, once I was freed from dealing with coin-operated machines, I realized how stressful doing laundry had been.  What were the points of my pain?

  1. The quarter hunt.  I was always looking around for quarters, and it always seemed I was one or two shy. Searching under my couch cushions became a regular part of my week. 
  2. I lived in apartments with only a single washer and dryer and others with a bank of them. With the single-machine apartments, it was common to go down and find the machine in use with several loads cued up. Once, I walked into the laundry room of a complex with a bank of machines, and someone had taken someone else’s clean wet laundry and thrown it on the dirty floor.  I’m not sure why, but that was creepy.
  3. Machines would be broken, dryers wouldn’t heat, etc. 
  4. Who knew what was washed in a machine right before I used it?
  5. Although most of my apartments had laundry rooms, I occasionally used laundromats. This meant waiting in a too-hot or too-cold, and always humid room for hours.  Laundromats never seemed to have chairs; when they did, they were usually those fiberglass molded ones that would often have a broken leg.

After decades of ownership, I take having my own laundry facilities for granted.  However, the pandemic brought a new level of awareness to this basic need. Millions of people live in apartments that don’t have in-apartment laundry.  What did they do? I researched the topic and found that laundry day was stressful for many of them.  In fact, I read reports of people doing all their laundry by hand to avoid public laundry facilities during the pandemic. What a massive hassle.  That got me thinking about the overall stress of using public laundry facilities, which led me to research alternative options. I was surprised that there were quite a few possibilities, some very reasonable.  I would like to share that information with you. Hopefully, this post will reach a few apartment dwellers who may find it useful.

Manual washing

As old as time, the simplest way to get your clothes clean.  When I was a student, there were rare times when my schedule was so out-of-control that I needed to wash necessary items in the sink. It is possible to get a decent result, but such actions get tiring when doing anything more than a few pairs of socks and some underwear.  Some manual gadgets can lighten this load, but only by a bit.  I’ll list them in the photos below.

Twin-tub machines

Sometimes called Asian washers, these machines are very lightweight and come in various sizes and capacities, from desktops to floor-standing machines.  They tend to be inexpensive, and they look like toys.  However, users of them say they are surprisingly good at washing clothes.  Further, I read several “one year later” reports that were quite favorable.  The larger capacity versions of these machines cost more.  Some drain only by gravity, so you must place them on the counter next to a sink or in a bathtub.  Others have an electric pump to discharge the water.  These can be placed on the floor next to a sink.  

Twin-tub machines are manual, but they eliminate the hand-wrenching jobs of physically washing, rinsing, and wringing out wet clothes.  Their washing action is very strong, to the point of often knotting up clothes, and their separate spin dryers are so fast that clothes often dry within hours once hung up.  These machines are designed for cold water washes, but can be used with warm water.  Hot water will damage them.

You need to fill these machines manually (using a hose connected to a faucet) and also  manually switch them to drain.  In addition, you need to place the wet clothes into the spinner basket and then return them for a rinse and then another spin.  The spinner baskets are smaller than the washer, so you must spin a wash batch in several loads.  However, spinning only takes a few minutes. Even the larger machines of this group have less capacity than a regular washer.  However, overall, people sing their praises often using statements like “Life changing” and “The best purchase I ever made.”  

As an aside, various users have their own techniques when using these machines.  Some spin and then rinse, others rinse and then spin.  Some fill the washer using a faucet connection and a little hose; others fill from a bucket.  Manual, in this case, means very flexible operations.

The Laundry-Alternative  Niagra washer, plus the Laundry-Alternative Nija spin dryer.

This one-of-a-kind setup offers almost full-size laundry capabilities in a much smaller and less expensive package.  These machines are more automatic than twin-tub machines, but they still require some work from the operator.  They are bulkier, with the Niagra washer weighing 35 pounds and the Nija spin dryer weighing almost 20 pounds.  However, they are built to last.  I saw one report of a man using a Laundry-Alternative spinner 15 years after he bought it.  

Although top loading, the Niagra operates more like a front loader.  Therefore, it is gentler and uses less water than a top-loading machine.  It fills and runs automatically, using a very simple mechanical dial. It has a drain pump so you can place it on the floor next to your sink. The Niagra can be used with hot water if desired.  It has dispensers for soap and rinse additives like fabric softeners. 

The Niagra will complete washing and rinsing independently, but it doesn’t spin dry.  Buying a separate spin dryer like the Ninja is important to make this system work efficiently. 

The Ninja spinner is larger than those on twin tub machines. It is reported to be the largest capacity spinner on the market and can handle 22 pounds of clothes.  In addition, the Nija spins at an incredible 3200 rpm, compared to a standard washing machine that spins at around 1200 rpm. Faster spinning means greater water extraction. Some synthetic clothing items could be dry after hanging in less than 30 minutes. 

Fully automatic portable washers.

These units are similar to a regular washer but smaller. A typical home top-loading washing machine’s capacity is between 3.5 and 5 cubic feet, with front loaders having a 4.2-4.5 cubic feet capacity. In contrast, these machines start at 0.9 cubic feet, with many around 1.7 cubic feet capacity.  I did find one portable washer at 2.4 cubic feet. Because of their complexity, they cost more and are heavier. Some of the larger models are more expensive than basic full-sized machines. I found the most reviews for reviews for the 0.9 cubic feet machines suggesting that these are the most popular. Some of these machines are cold water only.

These machines are computerized, which is nice, but this also serves as a point of failure. Because these machines are all-in-one, they spin slower than those listed above. Many of these machines spin at 750 RPM compared to around 1200 RPM for a standard washer or 3500 RPM for the Ninja. Therefore, many people who buy these machines often buy little portable dryers instead of hanging their laundry. 

Who are portable machines for?

Any of these machines is perfect for a single person or a couple.  Families can use them, but they are likely best utilized when a small load must be done between a full laundry day. However, I read reports of families using these machines for their weekly laundry. The best strategy for these families would be to do their laundry multiple times a week in small batches. 

Using a laundry trolley

You can buy inexpensive laundry trolleys to move around those machines are are too heavy to lift from their storing place to the sink.  

Which type of washer is best?

That is a personal choice.  Many people buy twin-tub machines as they are lightweight and inexpensive.  However, they are the most manual of the gadgets.  Some like the convenience of a fully automated machine.

Personally, I like the Laundry Alternative solution.  Their machines are durable, and have simple controls so they are less likely to break down.  The Niagra’s top-loading/front-operating style is water efficient and can wash a surprisingly large load despite being around 1/3rd the size of a standard washer.  The Nigara automatically does most of the tedious work of washing.  You don’t have to return to refill, rinse, etc.  The only manual operation is to spin, but the Nija spinner is large, fast, and super efficient.  I would say that the Niagra/Nija combination is close in convenience to using a regular washing machine.

Thoughts on hanging clothes

None of these machines dry your clothes, but spinning them gets out most ofthe water making drying fast.  

The fully automatic washers spin at a slower speed, so expect that clothing will take longer to dry after hanging.  There is also the chance of some water drippage when using these machines. 

The twin-tub and and Niagra spinners are very fast, with most clothing coming out nearly dry.  Therefore, it is practical to hang those close out to dry. I image that the audience for these machines won’t have outdoor spaces, and they will be hanging their clothing in their apartments.

There are many creative ways to hang clothes on existing home objects.  However, investing in dedicated hanging systems is best if you have a lot of laundry. 

Different racks and gadgets make hanging clothes a fairly easy operation.  See the photos below for some common ones.

Another way to hang clothes indoors is to use a heated airer, which is a clothing rack enclosed in a little tent with a small electric heater on the bottom. These units are inexpensive, have greater capacity than a standard dryer,  while using less energy than a standard dryer.  However, they are slower to dry than a dryer. 

Lastly, you can purchase mini-clothes dryers that operate similarly to a regularly sized unit.  Here is it recommended that you vent your exhaust out a window less you put too much humidity into your living space.  However, I have seen a number of reports where people vent directly into their apartment.  If you do the later I might suggest that you do so in a large and well ventilated room to avoid eventual  mold issues.  

On Being Fat

In February 2024 this website crashed for no apparent reason. Despite using professionals at it was impossible to restore anything after October 2021 (over 100 posts). I do have many of those post in draft form (no final edit or photos) and I have decided to repost them in that manner. I apologize for typos and other errors. How do I feel about losing all of my original work? Life goes on.

This is the most difficult post I have ever written, and it faced a lot of internal debate if it would ever see the light of day. Everyone has their own temperament.  Some wear their lives on their sleeves; others keep their personal feelings under a bushel basket.  I have no problem sharing my feelings, but I have issues sharing my vulnerabilities.  Others can exploit vulnerabilities, and I like to feel safe. In addition, being transparent can expose me to the judgment of others.  Frankly, I don’t like to be judged. So why am I writing this post?  Because it’s time.  If you can’t accept me for who I am, then it is best that we part ways.  If you can accept me for who I am, I will reciprocate.  I am not an Instagram kind of guy; I’m a real person. 

I have said less than flattering things about my dad and my relationship with him.  My dad was not an evil person; he was just flawed.  I’m sure he had hidden insecurities during a time when men were supposed to be invulnerable.  I’m sure that I disappointed him in many ways.  I was not a typical kid.  I always was different, odd. I was interested in how the universe was formed when I should have been interested in playing baseball. I was sensitive when I should have been tough.  I was fat when I should have been thin. I was not a 1960s poster son, the kind of kid a dad could brag on. Sorry dad.

My father met my oddness with anger.  He never hit me; his anger was expressed in harsh words and a lack of interest in me. As a child, I felt this was normal and deserved his judgment. There was truth in his statements; I was an embarrassment to him.  By the Grace of God, I was given an alternate view of myself from other adults who seemed to value me and celebrated my oddness. Their enthusiasm for me far exceeded anything that I deserved. From nuns to teachers, there was a consistent message.  I was different, but that was amazing.  I was special.  I thought outside of the box.  God had plans for me. These good people saved my life and made me realize I had value. I now know of an additional force that propelled me away from a negative concept of myself-and that was anger. It feels so odd to admit that, as I am a person who rarely feels angry.  However, certain situations can turn it on; I can move mountains when that happens.

I long ago accepted who I am.  In fact, I used my differences to my advantage.  These “negatives” became gifts that gave me a life I never could have imagined as a child.  

 However, one part of my life still gives me great shame.  So much, in fact, I sometimes have to force myself to be around people.  Long ago, I committed to never allowing my fears to control or determine my life’s trajectory, but it is work for me.

Everyone has differences, but those characteristics can be hidden in many cases. However, some differences are impossible to shield. If they are of the socially acceptable type, they are often ignored. But our society still has taboo characteristics that welcome mocking and judgment.  Unfortunately, I possess one of them.

I was average weight until about 5th grade, then something happened.  I started to gain weight.  I don’t recall any changes in my eating patterns, and I believe that, in part, it had something to do with puberty.  In short order, my weight had increased by almost 100 pounds.

You can only imagine the torrent of shaming comments that I got from my dad.  I won’t repeat them in this post because they still create hurt and sadness in me. I was disgusted with myself as I was now wearing my differences in direct view.  In grade school, I taught myself to temper excitement about my interests when interacting with others.  I could fake being “normal,” and people would accept me as such.  However, there was no deception for being fat.  It was out there for all to see.  I was wearing a giant billboard stating that I was a freak of nature.  

Beyond family, I don’t recall others criticizing me for my weight.  I have no memories of kids teasing me about it.  They seemed to accept me for who I was and even liked me.  I wasn’t one of the super popular kids.  However, I was part of the pack and even had a bit of status being the “kid who knew everything about science.”  However, in my heart, I felt like a fake who was about to be discovered.  My obesity made me a bigger target for my dad’s displeasure with me, and for once, I thought he was correct. I hated myself when I looked in the mirror. Why couldn’t I just be normal?  Why did I have to be different? I couldn’t act the part of a skinny person; my weight signaled to all that I was odd.

In 7th grade, I decided to do something about my weight, researched the topic, and started a weight loss program.  I’m not a person who does something by half measure, and I lost weight and became the family weight loss expert.  Aunts and uncles would take me aside to learn my secrets, and I enjoyed a celebrity moment. Unfortunately, over a few years, the weight came back. I tried my old techniques, but they didn’t work as well, and I had to adopt new, more stringent strategies.  I lost the weight again but regained it in a couple of years.

This cycle has repeated itself numerous times—I had to adapt and try new techniques each cycle.  I have been on multiple diets.  I have joined every major food plan, I have purchased prepared meals, I have taken over-the-counter supplements, I have used prescription meds and had medical interventions, I retained a personal trainer, and I have worked with a dietician.  

I am dedicated and reliable, and those characteristics have been utilized in my weight loss efforts.  However, my cyclic pattern continues as it is impossible for me to sustain a starvation-eating pattern infinitum. Eventually, I weaken and slowly regain.  

I thought I had finally reached a point where it was impossible to lose weight, but around 5 years ago, circumstances allowed me to lose a considerable amount of weight.  But, once again, I regained. Now, I have to deal with shame one more time.  “What will people think of me who saw me thinner and now see me fat?”  It makes me want to avoid people.  I can’t let that happen.  

As in most of my writings, I scribe this for my kids.  Not only that they know me better, but to also help them deal with any differences that they may see in themselves. I also write it for any others who may be reading this. Can you accept me for who I am instead of what I look like?  If not, OK, but let’s not pretend we must be buddies. 

In this regard, I should accept myself.  I would like to, but pounds continue to creep up unless I actively work on losing weight.  I do not know its endpoint as I have never allowed my weight to stabilize. I like to be active, and I want to be healthy, and these facts motivate me to control my poundage-however, unsuccessful I may be. 

Strangely, there are some positives to my dilemma.  I know what it is like to be judged for something that has little to do with who a person is.  Some people will see me from afar and instantly form a negative opinion of me. Their preconceived notions will become solidified to a level that I will never be able to break.  To be judged in such a superficial way is cruel and unfair, but it is a fact of life.

Those who know me know I’m committed to not judging others based on any superficial identifier or single characteristic.  Race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identification, so many people instantly reject individuals based on these criteria.  Such superficiality seems insane and unnecessary to me. Why do we need to do that?  I say this as a person who was judged for being different.  Yet, a person who has contributed to society.  A person who has never intentionally hurt another human.  A person who has value.  I am not alone.

If you have gotten this far in this post, I thank you.  I wear my differences directly on my body. I can not hide.  Accept me for who I am. If you can’t, let’s be honest and talk about it.  Get to know me. Love me, and I’ll love you right back.  I will celebrate your differences.

Cancer!! Part II

In February 2024 this website crashed for no apparent reason. Despite using professionals at it was impossible to restore anything after October 2021 (over 100 posts). I do have many of those post in draft form (no final edit or photos) and I have decided to repost them in that manner. I apologize for typos and other errors. How do I feel about losing all of my original work? Life goes on.

A family living with cancer.

In my post, Cancer Part One, I gave a timeline of our cancer journey over the last eight months. In this post, I’ll explore the journey’s psychological and emotional impact. This was the post that I wanted to write, but I had to offer the content of Part One to make sense of this writing

This post will explore the feelings of Julie, the kids, and me. However, it will emphasize my experience, not because my feelings are more important, but because it would be inaccurate to claim that I had complete knowledge of what the others are experiencing.

The genesis for today’s writings were several comments that we have heard from some individuals. Their sentiments can be summarized as follows:

“You all seem to be handling Julie’s diagnosis so well.”

“You are living in the present and seem to enjoy life.”

“You all seem to have a positive attitude.”

All of the above statements are true and accurate. However, they don’t address the entire situation. What is that whole situation? Well, that’s complicated.

As far as the above statements are concerned, they are the result of our personalities and the general way that both Julie and I approach life. Our kids had adopted many of the same characteristics.

Julie was raised in a stoic family. She is the most emotional in her family. I was raised in an emotionally huggy family; I am the most reserved member of my family. Our positions complement each other. I add the huggy quality, and she adds the sensible quality to our relationship.  

We both believe in changing what we can change and accepting what we cannot. It makes no sense to gnash our teeth over things we have no control over. It is also a massive waste of time. Every day on this earth is a gift. Each day is filled with both positive and negative events and experiences. We choose to focus on the positive things. Additionally, we do not want to waste a day worrying about inevitable or imagined events in the future. That is not to say that we ignore these things. We plan and prepare, but as a couple, we are not paralyzed by events that may or may not happen.  

As many of you know, I spent much of my career helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions. People in recovery have many wise, if pithy, sayings. One of my favorites is, “If you have one foot in the past and one foot in the future, you are pissing on the present.” Before mindfulness became popular, I ascribed to the philosophy of living in the moment and appreciating where I was. Who knew that such thoughts would one day become trendy?

Over the last eight months, we have tried to live as normal of a life as we could as we adapted to the changing status of Julie’s health. I don’t feel that time consisted of lost months. There were good times, bad times, and a lot in between. 

I don’t think in a linear fashion, so I must digress.

Before I retired, I loved my work life and genuinely cared about many of my patients. They were people of courage and grace. However, working in my capacity also had its stresses. Let me bring that concept home to you. Let’s say you had a friend you cared about who was in crisis. You willingly gave them a call and did your absolute best to be respectful; you listened thoughtfully and offered requested advice. How would you feel after you got off the phone? I imagine you would feel good that you were there for your friend, but also emotionally and possibly physically exhausted. Imagine doing that 20 times in a single day and repeating it the next day and the day after. That was my job. Fantastically fulfilling and utterly exhausting. It isn’t easy to be responsible for the well-being of others, even if that contribution is only partial.

You may wonder about my fascination with Violet the campervan. Of course, I love being in nature, but Violet is a symbol of freedom for me. When traveling in Violet, my life is simple, and I am responsible only for myself. Violet lets me know that, on occasion, placing myself first is OK. It is OK to do something silly or something someone else may not approve of. It is OK to have fun for the sake of having fun. It is OK to explore for the sake of exploring. It is OK to be my natural self and not have to act in a certain doctorly way.  

Retirement has offered a similar experience. There is joy in learning about an irrelevant topic. There is joy for me to walk over to my friend Tom’s house for no other reason than to drink a cup of coffee and have a little conversation. There is joy in making dinner with my kids and talking about their day. There is joy in going to DQ for an ice cream run with Julie. None of these things change the world. Joy doesn’t have to change the world. When I was working two and a half jobs, there was little time for impractical joy. Every hour I was awake was parsed into 15-minute intervals.

Since Julie re-entered the paid workforce, I have taken over more and more of the necessary household tasks. I have no problem with doing what some may consider menial jobs, and I consider no necessary job as menial. However, I have worked hard to keep balance in my life as it would be easy to turn those jobs into a new career. Julie continued to do things around the house, and I involved my kids in some of the responsibilities of real life. 

I have also tried to push my own boundaries in new directions. I’m naturally shy, but I know how to be social. Despite being difficult, I have introduced myself to others and engaged with them. I feel guilty when traveling solo in Violet, but I want to explore places while I have my health. I have been open about my feelings with Julie and have been receptive to hers. I’m a lifelong learner who loves to see the similarities and differences in things. Do I really need a dozen cameras? No, but they make me happy, and I know quite a bit about cameras because of them. Over the years, I have tried to celebrate who I am. My retirement motto is, “If it is not hurting me or anyone else, it’s probably OK.”

These, and many other factors, have given me a wonderful retirement. I generally have good health and enough financial resources to do what I want. I also have enough common sense to modify, adjust, and redefine based on my current status and the needs of those close to me. Just as I communicate my feelings in this blog, I do the same with the people I love. If something pleases me, I tell them. If something bothers me, I tell them that too. How many times have I seen relationships fall apart because person A expected person B to read their mind?

However, my joyful dynamic has changed with recent events. For the moment, balance is out the window, and I have had to return my focus solely to others. This is no one’s fault; it is just how it is.  

Julie’s right leg doesn’t work very well. It has little sensation, and many of the muscles don’t function. She had great rehab at Marianjoy, but it is still common for her leg to buckle and for her to tumble. This is despite using techniques, a physical brace, and assistive devices like a walker or a wheelchair. We hope this situation will improve, but we have yet to determine.  

Julie needs assistance with activities that most of us would consider routine—taking a shower, getting something off a shelf, and using the stairs. Many of the things she has done all her adult life, like driving a car, are off-limits for now.

She is trying her best to do things and to contribute to the family, but she can only do so much. The other day she wanted to do a load of laundry. However, someone had to bring the basket down and position it. She had to use a grabber to get the clothes out of the washer, and someone had to help her get the clothes in and out of the dryer. Then someone had to carry the basket back upstairs. However, she tries even harder every day. She just informed me that she emptied the dishwasher this afternoon. And that was while she was also standing with her walker.

Julie wanted to go to the market and then to her office to check her mailbox. Simple, right? She had to ready herself. I called the store to see if they had an electric shopping cart. I was erroneously told, “No.” I had to position our car so Julie could get in. I had to collapse her wheelchair (WC) and load it (with difficulty) into the car. Julie then had to get herself and the walker into the car. At the grocer, I had to reassemble her WC (with difficulty). We then could only buy things that we could carry on her WC. Everything had to be loaded back into the car, and we drove to her office. We only used the walker there, but the path was long and complicated. Back home, I had to position the car so Julie could get out. I then had to pull the car up, get the WC out, and reassemble it. After I took the WC into the house, I had to bring in the groceries. A very simple trip turned into quite the morning, and that was with Julie trying her hardest to be as independent as possible.

Jobs like making every dinner have fallen completely on me. New jobs have been created, like ensuring no trip hazards on the floor or monitoring Julie’s shower. I’m OK visiting my friend, Tom, as he is only 5 minutes away, but I still have not worked up seeing my sisters, who live 30 minutes from me. At the moment, that is too far if Julie needs my help.

Let me emphasize that Julie is doing everything in her power to be as independent as possible. If fact, she may be doing too much. Also, my kids are very helpful and willing. They have been great.  I bought Julie an Apple Watch, so she will always have a way to call for help if needed. However, for the moment, my life is focused completely at home.

Over the next weeks and months, I’ll continue to try to find balance, but life is stressful at the moment. I am trying to do the right thing by her, but I’m not Superman. Eventually, I’ll find a way to do some exploring with Violet again, but not right now. 

An important part of what has kept Julie, the kids, and me afloat is other people. As an independent soul, this has surprised me. I wanted to share some of my feelings about this, as it may be helpful to understand those who are going through a difficult time. I’m going to be frank, as it makes no sense to couch what I’m saying. Please don’t take offense; none is intended.

I should also note that people are much more open when dealing with those who have cancer. A few decades ago, others would shun cancer victims. Not so anymore; yay for that

What is helpful:

I must offer a disclaimer here. In no way is the following a solicitation for services. We both realize that people have busy lives. No one owes us anything, and we are cool with that. However, the following things have been helpful, and some have even been wonderful.

-Letting us know that you are thinking about us, praying for us, etc. That can be via Facebook, a phone call, a text message, a card, whatever.

-A number of people have given Julie gifts, from flowers to prayer blankets. She is overwhelmed and feels loved. 

-A number of people have gifted us food in the form of snacks, cookies, dinners, meal cards, and other surprises. Personally, I have been overwhelmed by their generosity. I can’t tell you how grateful I have been not to have to make dinner or how happy the kids have been to get a treat. We feel loved.

-Don’t avoid us because Julie has cancer, but be respectful of her limitations and know that a visit or phone call may need to be shorter than usual. Call before you come over.

-If you visit, I’ll be happy to make you a cup of coffee and (if we have them) offer you a snack. It is harder for me to give you a full meal.

-Don’t be afraid to bring up the cancer topic, but it isn’t the only thing we want to discuss.

-Don’t avoid us; you can’t catch cancer.

-Don’t forget us. Kind humans tend to respond at the start of a crisis, but life goes on. Check in on us as time goes by.

What is not helpful:

-Recounting cancer horror stories from a friend of a friend.

-Offering unsolicited advice.

-Suggesting cures, “I saw a YouTube video where a medical expert cured his cancer by    drinking cat pee every day.” Crazy therapies are not helpful.

-Questioning our medical decisions because you YouTubed the topic and now consider yourself an expert. You are not.

-Not talking about cancer or talking too much about cancer. We are dealing with cancer, but we also have a life.

-Saying things like, “Call me if you need anything.” This may be sincere, but it feels disingenuous.

-Saying things like, “I wish I could help, but I’m too (whatever).” You don’t have to do anything, that’s OK. But such statements serve no purpose. I don’t want to make you feel better about your lack of involvement. 

-Visiting too long. Julie loves visitors, but she gets tired.

-Not visiting/calling because you don’t want to be a burden. Julie loves a nice visit. We want to know that you care about us.

-Assuming something without asking us. We are happy to let you know, and if we don’t want to say something, we will let you know that too.

I said at the beginning of this post that it was complicated. With that said, Julie and I have been blown away by all of the kindness that we have received. I cannot express how much it has meant to us. You have made us feel less alone. 

We often hear about the evil in the world. However, time and time again, I see the true good in people. Sometimes a tragedy brings that out even more. I am so proud to call many of you friends. What an honor for me to know you.




In February 2024 this website crashed for no apparent reason. Despite using professionals at it was impossible to restore anything after October 2021 (over 100 posts). I do have many of those post in draft form (no final edit or photos) and I have decided to repost them in that manner. I apologize for typos and other errors. How do I feel about losing all of my original work? Life goes on.

It started in London, but I was unaware.  It became obvious in Paris, and it was impossible to avoid.  I love to walk, but Julie has always been the athlete in the family.  If fact, she requested and got a Pelaton for her last birthday. 

We were walking the streets of Paris, and she was lagging behind me.  Often, she would signal me to stop as she needed a break.  Naturally, I inquired why. Julie was experiencing sciatic-like pain.  However, if she rested for a bit, it would subside. I had had sciatica in the past.  It is miserable but temporary. I didn’t think much about it.  Despite her physical limitations, we had a fantastic trip.  Soon it was time to return to Naperville.

Back home and I gave Julie some standard doctor recommendations.  She found some exercises on YouTube and tried to do them, but they seemed to make her symptoms worse.  It was clear that her sciatic pain wasn’t going away.

At that time, our daughter, Grace, was applying to PA school and was having great success.  She was accepted to and considered attending a prestigious school in Washington, D.C., and wanted to visit the campus and the surroundings. Julie was born in D.C. (her father was in the CIA at the time) and went to tag along; however, her sciatica was worsening, and she wasn’t sure she could do all the walking. 

She set up an appointment with an ortho doc, who did a cursory exam and prescribed a course of oral steroids.  With pills in her purse, she went on the trip. Unfortunately, they did little to help her ever-worsening symptoms. 

Julie and I felt that her symptoms were no longer consistent with typical sciatica, and she pressed the doctor for an MRI.  However, he insisted that she complete a course of physical therapy first, which she did in December.  Her symptoms only worsened. She returned to the doctor and once again asked for an MRI. This time he agreed and ordered an MRI without contrast.

I had wanted to go the RTR (Rubber Tramp Rendevous) in Arizona for years, and I had tried to convince everyone from Julie, to Nancy and Mike, and even my friend, Tom, to accompany me.  All to no avail. It was clear that if I ever were going to do it, I would have to do it solo. I loaded Violet into the campervan, plugged in the coordinates for Quartzite, Arizona, and started the long journey.  

I wrote about that experience in a previous post.  I absolutely loved being among fellow van dwellers, many of whom are on the oddball side, but in the best way possible. If you have read my previous post, you know I’m also an oddball.  Oddballs don’t fit into any category; they are a category of exclusion. I ignored my shyness and met all sorts of folks on my adventure.  The RTR attracts individuals without a lot of resources.  However, they are amazingly clever and make the most of what they have.  Everyone that I met was incredibly nice.  The RTR isn’t about competition; it is about cooperation.  I loved camping in the desert and meeting these folks.  

The RTR runs for about a week.  I was planning on staying for six days of the meet-up. However, around day four, I got a text from Julie.  “Can you call me?”  I did.

Julie wanted to read me the results of her MRI.  There were quite a few anomalies, but most were minor—bulged discs and a small descending aneurysm.  I translated my medical knowledge into non-medical lingo as she read them off.  Then, she read the last impression. “A large solid mass in the right pelvic region in proximity of the L5 nerve root.”  “What?” I said.  Can you read that back to me again?”  She did. “Take a screenshot and send it to me.” She did. We discussed the implication of this finding, and our conversation ended with me saying, “I’m leaving for home.”  I drove back to Arizona to Naperville in two days.  

Oddly, the ortho doc never called us with the findings.  We eventually called him.  By then; we were both on high alert.  Being a doctor for decades, I know how the system works, what buzzwords to use, and how to get past the red tape.  The ortho doctor never had a follow-up visit; he just left a message that Julie needed to see a gynecologist. I wasn’t impressed.

She was able to make an appointment with a gynecologist fairly rapidly and reported that the doctor was kind. He looked at the MRI and advised that Julie see a gyne oncologist. Julie had to go to our groups to the website, make random phone calls, and plead her case to be seen sooner rather than later.  It was all very stressful for her and for me too. I think we should have contacted our PCP to assist us, but no one suggested that, and our mutual state of mind was in crisis mode, not logical thinking mode.

The gyne/onc appointment was three weeks out, and I suggested that Julie call to see if they could order any additional tests in the interim, as this could save time in a process that already seemed to be taking too long. She did, and an MRI with contrast was ordered.  The results came back, and they weren’t good. This wasn’t a gynecological finding; it clearly involved the important L5 nerve root, which offers sensory and motor activity to much of the leg. Once again, we didn’t hear from the doctor, and we wound up contacting him.  In fairness, it is possible that he would have called on his own if we had given him enough time.

I already knew the answer, but he confirmed that Julie needed to see a neurosurgeon.  Our group did not have a neurosurgeon, and once again, we were left to fend for ourselves. I could coach Julie, but she had to do the legwork.  She was working full-time, and only she knew her schedule and symptoms. Hours on the computer, endless phone calls.  This was one of the most stressful times as we didn’t have the familiarity of our medical group; Julie was just calling phone numbers with the hope that someone could see her quickly. It was really terrible. By then, it was clear that this was a tumor, and there was a strong likelihood that it was cancerous based on its size and strange location.  Beyond that, I could glean no further information from the limited data available. We felt like we were blowing in the wind. Yes, I’m a physician, and Julie is a psychologist.  We understand the medical system, but we were a family in crisis, not clinicians. We didn’t have a logical separation between treatment needs and personal boundaries.

Through her persistence, she set up two appointments with neurosurgeons.  One doctor was at our local Edward Hospital, and the other was downtown at my alma mater, Northwestern. She sent them both a copy of the MRI with contrast, and both places quickly shifted her to different neurosurgeons based on the unusual qualities of those finding.  We felt a sense of relief when she had finally secured the appointments.  

We first met with the Edward neurosurgeon.  He was incredibly nice and had recently relocated from Northwestern to build the neurosurgery program at Edward.  He informed us that the tumor was extremely rare and that surgery would be incredibly complex.  He had the expertise to do the surgery, but his team at Edward was still being developed and was not yet ready for such a difficult operation. He knew our Northwestern doctor and thought highly of him.  He also suggested the head of the department at Northwestern; both doctors were experts in tumors of the spine. He would call them with his impression. Now more waiting, but we had a sense that there was communication and a plan of some sort was developing.  We were relieved.

I honestly don’t remember how long we waited for the Northwestern appointment; I’m guessing weeks.  I’m not a big fan of driving downtown; I’m a bit phobic about it. However, it had to be done, and I was going to do it.  By then, Julie was having escalating symptoms, and it was becoming increasingly difficult for her to do the most basic things like standing or walking a short distance. She was incapable of driving all the way downtown, so I had to figure out a way to do it.

For me, knowledge is power, and I spent an afternoon studying maps, looking at satellite images, and plotting various routes using Google Map’s ability to predict traffic patterns based on the time of day.  I also have a thing about being late, as I think that it is both selfish and rude to think that my time is more important than someone else’s.  Julie gets this about me, so she was willing to leave generously early for the appointment. We set out for our appointment and got about halfway there when the doctor called to say that he had been exposed to COVID and had to reschedule the appointment.  Gasp!  More delays. 

Finally, we drove downtown.  I concentrated on the road, breathing, and I tried not to grind my teeth. Yes, driving downtown is not easy for me, but everything in life doesn’t have to be easy.  Recognizing a weakness and then figuring out a solution is more important.  Knowledge of the route and ample transit time was what I came up with.  Hardly a perfect solution, but good enough.  We made it to Northwestern.

The neurosurgeon there was also incredibly nice and spent a lot of time with us.  Like the Edward Hospital doctor, he informed us that surgical removal of the tumor would be extremely complicated and difficult.  It would involve multiple teams from various disciplines. It would be a big deal. Northwestern operates on a team model, where cases are presented to a committee of doctors from various disciplines.  He would discuss the case at the next appropriate tumor board and inform us of their recommendations. More waiting.  He also wanted us to see a neuro-oncologist at NMH, another doctor, but luckily the appointment wasn’t weeks away. 

That doctor was also really caring.  He said Julie needed a biopsy, which would be difficult to obtain due to the tumor’s location.  We voiced our concern that everything has taken so long that it was now months since we started our journey.  The doctor picked up the phone and called in a favor.  The biopsy would be the following week.

Another trip to NMH, a biopsy, and then waiting for results. The results were unusual, to say the least.  This tumor was a sarcoma, which are rare tumors.  However, it was also a rare type of sarcoma. Further, parts of the tumor appeared benign and other parts were cancerous. It was possible that it could respond to a novel monoclonal chemotherapy used for blood cancers, and we were sent to a heme-oncologist doctor—more waiting.

That doctor concurred that chemotherapy MIGHT work, but there wasn’t a lot of research data on using that agent with this cancer.  This somewhat experimental use would require additional permission from our insurance company.  He would work on getting that permission and bringing the case to another tumor board at the hospital. More waiting

He did get approval for the novel chemotherapy, but we found out that its impact, if any, would take 6 months or more to work. The chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery was at that tumor board meeting and wanted to meet with us.  He thought the tumor should be removed, and peeling it from the nerve may be possible.  Otherwise, they would have to remove not only L5 but the L4-S3 nerve roots with devastating consequences.

During these months, Julie’s pain did not remain static.  It was significantly worsening every few days. Work was becoming impossible.  She couldn’t stand for more than a minute or two; she couldn’t sit in hard chairs, then any chair. Sleeping became difficult, with her waking up in pain every few hours.  She had trouble walking very short distances.  She was seeing a pain doctor and was up to the maximum dose of a nerve pain medication, and she was also taking the maximum dose of an NSAID as well as a powerful opiate at bedtime.  All of this wasn’t touching her pain, but it was making her mentally cloudy-a no go for someone who makes their living with their brain. A steroid epidural was recommended, with the hope that it would provide a few months of relief.  It helped for less than a week.

We met with neurosurgeon #3, the chairman of the department.  He said he would work with neurosurgeon #2 and the chief resident of neurosurgery in the surgery.  In addition, the head of plastic surgery would be there as additional reconstruction work needed to be done. There would also be a general surgery team present, plus a variety of anesthesiologists. They would book the operating suite for 8 hours, and the minimum time in the hospital would be 5 days. When you have no options, the best is the only one given.  We took it.

We also needed to get a PET scan, a test that looks at metabolic activity and is very sensitive at locating additional tumors.  This was another struggle, but this time we had the foresight of contacting our PCP and asking him for help.  Although he was far removed from the case by that point, he got us an appointment.  Thank you, Dr. Lee-you are a peach. However, in the end, we had to go back to Northwestern for the PET scan, but it felt good that we had a doctor who was not only concerned but also willing to extend himself when he technically didn’t have to. 

Now all we had to do was to schedule the operation.  That meant scheduling the head of neurosurgery, his second in command, the chief resident of neurosurgery, the head of plastics, a general surgeon, and several anesthesiologists for the same 8-hour block. That should be easy-not.

Finally, all was scheduled for June 8th.  Remember that our first doctor’s appointment was in early November.  

For some reason, I thought I should go to the surgery solo.  I didn’t want to disturb the kids’ lives.  Crazy, I know-and they thought likewise. They would hear none of it; they were all going. 

In the wee hours on January 8th, we assembled.  In my compulsive way, I told the kids to bring things to occupy themselves.  This was a silly thing to do as they are all competent people who had already planned for the day. I believe that I also reminded them to bring their phone chargers… as if they would forget such things.

Each of us brought stuff, from schoolwork to novels.  The hours ticked on with an automatic text message every two hours to say, “The operating is proceeding as expected.”

First, I got a call from Dr. Wolinsky (head of neurosurgery) saying that his portion of the operation was complete.  He was able to peel off the tumor, which was the size of a peach. However, it was unclear how L5 would respond.  Hours later, I got a call from the head of plastics saying that his portion of the operation had been completed and that they were closing Julie up.  The operation took 7 hours, and she was in recovery for over 3 hours.  Julie lost so much blood that her hemoglobin dropped to 7, with the normal range for women being between 12-16.  The 7 was after getting blood transfusions.

Julie spent 4 days in the ICU, then a number of days on a med/surg floor before being transferred to Marianjoy Rehab Hospital.  Her total time in the hospital was nearly a month. Naturally, we visited her every day.  She has worked hard, but at present, she has very limited use of her right leg.  She is learning ways to ambulate with a walker and is using assistive devices now that she is home.  We are hopeful that L5 might wake up or at least return in some partial form, but that is uncertain.

Although she still has pain, it seems to be more from the recruitment of new muscles.  The horrific debilitating pain in her lower back and leg seems absent.  Her numbness continues.  Every day I see improvement in her ability to adapt.  I encourage this but don’t want to push her too far.  She is working hard.

Many have told us how surprised they were to see the way that we coped with the diagnosis. Their observations have truth.

However, the journey has been horrific, and some of that could have been avoided.  Yes, the very long wait (8 months between first contact and surgery) was terrible as Julie continued to suffer.  However, we used that time to learn more about her diagnosis and how to prepare for the future.  The biggest trauma was feeling like we had to do so much of the work on our own.  We are medical professionals, but that only goes so far. We were in crisis and just trying to function. I believe that we should have contacted our PCP earlier on.  He is a great guy, but no one told us to do this; the specialist doctors just gave random commands like, “You need to see a gynecologist,” or “You should find a neurosurgeon, but we don’t have one on staff.”  Often we never even heard from the doctors; we reviewed the test results and called them. We would then get a message back or possibly a call from one of their underlings. No one said, “Come in and let’s talk about it,” or “Our office will arrange for you to see Dr. … ASAP.”  We were just left to blow in the wind as we were dealing with terrifying news. For me, the worst time was when we were told to find a neurosurgeon but given no additional information.  Where should we go?  What kinds of neurosurgeons were we looking for?  What should we tell them?  How quickly did we have to see them?  None of this information was provided.  It was by the grace of God that Julie was not only able to make appointments but that we got the doctors that we did.  

The first neurosurgeon (Dr. Jones) couldn’t do the operation but gave us information and called Northwestern to inform the doctors there.  The second neurosurgeon (Dr. Swong) was nice, respectful, and encouraging, as was the third neurosurgeon (Dr. Wolinsky). In fact, all of the NMH docs were wonderful, except the pain doc.  He was OK but treated Julie like she was a drug addict because his methods weren’t working. Even so, he did his job and wasn’t too bad. However, it does bug me when a doctor blames a patient because he can’t remedy their problem.

There is likely more to come, radiation, possible proton therapy, and who knows what else. We have been cared for since we plugged into the Northwestern system.  There was a plan, although it changed from week to week.  However, we knew it was changing because the team was getting more information and opinions and thinking about more options.  You can’t fault them for that.

We also had excellent care at both hospitals.  I was proud that I went to Northwestern for med school and my residency.  Marianjoy was… well, a joy.  

You may ask why our family will stay with the extremely large medical group that we currently use.  Honestly, it is because of our PCP, Dr. John Lee.  He is smart, respectful, compassionate, responds to inquiries, and is a good guy.  I like to think of him as an Asian Dr. Welby. Most of our medical needs are typical, and Julie is already plugged into the Northwestern system for her cancer treatment.  However, she will continue with Dr. Lee for her regular medical stuff.

We have a long way to go—Julie as an individual and our family.  But we are on our way. In the next post, I’ll talk a bit about our emotional journey.  In that post, I’ll emphasize my feelings.  I don’t think they are any more important than Julie or the kids.  Rather, I know what is going on with me more than I know what is going on with the others.


My Mother, Annie

In February 2024 this website crashed for no apparent reason. Despite using professionals at it was impossible to restore anything after October 2021 (over 100 posts). I do have many of those post in draft form (no final edit or photos) and I have decided to repost them in that manner. I apologize for typos and other errors. How do I feel about losing all of my original work? Life goes on.

My cousin, Ken, kindly commented on my last post and mentioned that I should write about my mom, Annie.  I thought about it, and it sounded like a good idea.  This post will also give me the opportunity to write a more balanced remembrance of my dad.

I write these posts for my kids and try to be as honest and transparent as possible. When I mention my dad, it is often in a less-than-positive light.  However, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t have positive qualities. Additionally, he was a product of his environment.  Roles for men and women were rigid for someone born in 1910.  This was compounded by his 1st generation status, which dictated its own behavioral compliance. In addition, my dad was raised in a large family that in itself was controlled by rigid rules of conduct.  

I can’t say I knew my dad’s dad, although I saw him a hundred times.  My grandparents only spoke Slovak, a language that I didn’t speak. Interestingly,  I eventually learned that my grandfather was fluent in English. His pride demanded that everyone address him in Slovak; there was no flexibility.  I remember my grandpa as a frail old man who spent most of his time in bed. However, when I see photographs of him from his younger days, he appeared very differently.  In those images, he is tall, strong, and very good-looking. Apparently, he was also very strong-willed. My father would tell stories where my grandfather would remember some transgression that my father committed weeks earlier.  He would then wake up my father and beat him.  My dad said he frequently didn’t even know the reason why.

My dad left school after the 8th grade.  He was a bright guy, and it was common for students to continue on to high school, but he had to support his brother, who was attending college.  His matriculation into the workforce was at his parent’s insistence; my father said he was happy to do it for the family.  My uncle was on track to become a priest, and in the Slovak circles of the day, there was no higher honor that a family could obtain. No family sacrifice was too great.  Eventually, my uncle decided that religious life was not for him and married my Aunt Rose.  I am grateful for this; that union produced some of my wonderful cousins. My grandparent’s disappointment became my blessing.

My dad was also a product of the Great Depression and the deprivation and stress that era created. As an interesting aside, he had a secret weapon; apparently, he was so good-looking in his youth that girls would swoon over him (reported by multiple sources). 

Despite his difficulties, he eventually became the Chief Operating Engineer of one of the largest high schools in Chicago. He consistently worked and supported his family.  He was a handy guy who could fix many things.  He took care of my mother when her health failed.  He supported my educational efforts.   

I recognize the traumas that he overcame, and I respect his efforts to succeed.  As I said in previous posts, he was not an evil person.  The two of us just didn’t gel.  He needed a standard issue, son, and that wasn’t me.  Yet, his disappointment paradoxically impacted me and played a key role in my development. I became self-reliant, an excellent problem solver, responsible, and independent.  Those qualities have served me well throughout my life.  Every coin has two sides. 

My dad was just half of my parental equation; the other half was my mom, Annie. Just like my dad, she had her flaws.  However, that is not the purpose of today’s writing.

My mom was also raised in a very large Slovak family, where the last three children were girls.  She was sandwiched between my Aunt Mary and my Aunt Lill. My mother admitted that her father was an alcoholic, something shocking to say in the day.  She noted that he was nicest when he was drunk and meanest when sober.  He worked as a maintenance man for a book binding company. My mom’s mom was very gentle and loving. Both were deceased long before I was born.

Despite being born in Europe or 1st generation here, her siblings became very successful.  One started profitable savings and loan; another owned a factory, one was a professional baseball player, and several others became engineers. I remember going to the home of one uncle.  I lived in a run-down Chicago bungalow.  His family lived in an actual mansion in Riverside—a giant house with a book-lined library and an elevator. I recall going to other relatives on my mom’s side; that was also impressive.

Cultural limitations bound her life. Women were regarded as second-class citizens.  If her brothers saw her on the street, they would ignore her as she wasn’t worth their time.  In those days, there were two types of high school certificates, a 2-year and a 4-year diploma. She graduated from the two-year program, which completed her education. She was then expected to work, which she did in a variety of menial jobs.  This was not unusual, except for one thing.  My mother was one of the most intelligent people that I ever knew. I know a lot of very smart people, but her intelligence was global.  

My sister has a diary that my mom wrote that recalls her graduation.  In attendance was her family.  The principal stood at the podium and announced that a new award would be given to the most outstanding student the school had ever had.  The principal talked about all of the student’s academic talents and amazing creative abilities. That student was a superstar with a bright future. My mother was curious to discover which boy won the award.  Then the principal announced the name “Ann Skriba” (my mom).  Her brothers were shocked that their stupid sister wasn’t stupid after all.

Did my mother build a space shuttle or write a best-selling novel?  No, she married my father and raised a family.  I believe that few people who met her knew how intelligent she was; she was hampered by low self-confidence, anxiety, and the locked-in role women of the day were expected to conform to. 

I mentioned that my mother also had her flaws, and that was undoubtedly true.  However, I felt that she loved me unconditionally.  Some may say she was co-dependent.  However, she was generous to a fault and constantly worked to keep the family together.

Here are a couple of simple examples from my experiences with her.

When I was in primary school, I had a project to create a castle. This was one of those assignments where the kid was supposed to do it, but the parents completed 90% of the build.  With my sister Carol’s assistance, my mom gathered junk from around the house. Some empty oatmeal containers, a broker mirror, a bit of old house paint, some cardboard boxes, etc.  In one evening, they build me a castle that could have been used as a prop on a TV set.  It was fabulous. 

My mom did typical mending jobs, but I didn’t realize how talented a seamstress she was until one Halloween.  My sister Nancy asked her to make cat costumes for her and her boyfriend for a party the same evening.  My mom was not a hobbyist sewer; she sewed because she had to repair clothes.  She thought about it for a moment and reached into her bag of scrap material and found a beat-up pair of black pants.  She disassembled the pants and pulled out her sewing machine, a gadget that never worked well.  In short order, she made both of them cat costumes, complete with ears and tails.  They looked great, despite the fact that she made their costumes with only scraps and imagination. 

My mom was an excellent writer,  something my procrastinating brother, Dave, took advantage of.  Like most college students, Dave would be given 20-30 page term paper assignments at the beginning of a class. However, he didn’t start the paper until the night before the paper was due. That evening, he would appear with a stack of books in his hand.  Dave didn’t type and asked my mother to do this task for him. Their efforts started after dinner, usually around 6 or 7 PM.  Dave would start by describing what he wanted to say and pulled some references from the books he brought. My mom would start typing on our old Royal upright.  This would continue through the night, and I remember waking up at 2 and 3 AM to the sound of her typing. At some point, my mother would take over the composition.  By 7 the next morning, the paper would be complete.  I’m sure that my mom deserved the first author title on these endeavors. 

My friends always wanted to eat at my house, and I couldn’t understand why, as I assumed that all moms were great cooks.  However, I learned differently.  My mother was an effortless cook who made most foods from memory.  She would bake something every single day. She did this in our crappy kitchen with a broken stove and mismatched pots and pans.  She had a Sunbeam Mixmaster from the 1950s that was so used that my father would have to change out the motor’s brushes every year or two. Her bakery was fantastic. She didn’t teach me how to cook, but I often observed her cooking.  She had such confidence in her cooking that it gave me confidence when I started to cook.  One of her favorite TV shows was “The French Chief.”  I watched so many episodes with her that I joke that Julie Childs taught me how to cook.  

My mom had a broad understanding of alternative medicine at a time when such things were uncommon.  She had a strong interest in the paranormal.  She and my dad had an actual close encounter, but that is a story for another time.

She was very gifted psychologically and had an intuitive understanding of others. Friends and family sought her advice which was both compassionate and logical.

Lastly, she had genuine psychic abilities.  I’ll give you two examples.

When I was 5, my aunt and uncle generously took me with their family to Rainbow Beach, which was a large beach/park on Lake Michigan. Those were different times, and kids weren’t tightly managed. My uncle and aunt set up a blanket, and I went off into the waves with my cousin Bob and (I think) my cousin Kris. After splashing about for a bit, I looked up and couldn’t find either of them.  I was in a panic. I decided to go back to the family blanket, but it had disappeared.  My uncle had moved the blanket to a better site.  It seemed like there were a million people, but I recognized none of them.  I decided the best way to find my relatives was to break the beach into quadrants and methodically search each one.  I did this twice but to no avail.  By now, my anxiety and fear were out of control.

At home, my mother sensed something.  She told my dad, “We must go to the beach right now; something is wrong with Michael.”  My father tried to dismiss her concerns, but she was beyond insistent. In fact, she dragged along my sister, Carol. As they pulled into the parking lot, they heard an announcement on a loudspeaker, “Still missing 5-year-old Michael Kuna.”  My mother almost fainted.  Of course, my relatives were also looking for me, but we didn’t connect. I knew my strategy wasn’t working, so I devised a plan B.  I returned to the parking lot and found my uncle’s old Packard car. There I sat and started to cry. A kind man saw this, asked me what was wrong, and took me to the beach’s office.  My mother knew that I help from miles away.

I was 7 or 8 at the time and frequently played with Mike Z, a boy 1 year older than me but light years more street-smart. One day my mother said she was going to take me to the local theater.  This was extremely unusual; it was the only time she did this. Not only did she take me to the movies, but she also bought me ice cream afterward.  I was over the moon.  We walked back from 59th and Kedzie to our home at 55th and Francisco.  On the way home, I thank her for the wonderful adventure. She looked at me and said, “I had a strong feeling that if you stayed home today, something terrible would happen to you.”  We turned the corner to our block and saw an ambulance in front of Mike Z’s house. He was spraying lighter fluid into an open flame that traveled up the can and exploded.  He was street-smart enough to roll himself in a blanket, but despite that, he had significant burns over most of his body and spent weeks in the hospital. He would likely have had me do the “experiment,” and I would have been the burn victim.  However, it is less likely that I would have had the common sense to roll myself in a carpet.  It is more likely that I would have been disfigured or dead.

We are all products of our genes and our environment.  We all have positives and negatives.  We all have strengths and weaknesses.  Today, I wanted to give you additional insight into my family of origin. There are two sides to every coin.


On Being A Dad

In February 2024 this website crashed for no apparent reason. Despite using professionals at it was impossible to restore anything after October 2021 (over 100 posts). I do have many of those post in draft form (no final edit or photos) and I have decided to repost them in that manner. I apologize for typos and other errors. How do I feel about losing all of my original work? Life goes on.

I have a confession to make; I never wanted to have children.  This statement is accurate, and I had my reasons.  Growing up, I was told that children were burdens, specifically that I was a burden. My personality was also inconsistent with parenting as I knew it.  I’m not a person who dictates by shame and insult; my personality is the exact opposite of that.  I felt that I didn’t have what it takes to parent.  No benefit and no skillset; not having kids was the logical choice.

The logic of teenage Mike does not reflect the feelings of adult Mike, so what happened?  One word, Anne, my oldest child.  Ann was a surprise in a troubled first marriage, and I was terrified.  However, something happened when I held her in my arms for the first time, my fears melted away, and I knew that I was up to the task.  I could not parent how I was parented; like so many things, I would have to figure it out for myself.  

I saw my parenting goal as singular.  It was to raise my children to become successful adults.  I love my kids absolutely and would do anything for them.  However, parenting is the job of raising children, which is much more work than being their pal.

You may be confused about what my identifier “successful” means, as the term has a specific connotation for many.  Let me define this further.

Does successful mean reaching monetary wealth?  No, wealth is fine, but money alone does not correlate with a satisfying life.  Success in this regard means having enough money to live comfortably.  In other words, to live a normal life without the constant worry of debt. 

Does successful mean obtaining a high-level job or career?  No, it is wonderful to have a job that interests you; however, a title by itself does little.  In my psychiatric practice, I treated many individuals.  The group that was the most dissatisfied with their lives were lawyers.  Many of these individuals made a great deal of money but hated their jobs and the climate they worked in.  I’m sure some lawyers love their job, and I mention the above to illustrate that title and money are not enough by themselves. 

Does success mean having a high level of skill or education?  Anyone who knows me understands that I value knowledge.  However, knowledge alone does not equate with either success or happiness.

Longitudinal studies have all indicated that individual happiness depends on connections with others.  However, the happiest individual does not have the most Facebook friends.  Each person has their own discrete need for connectedness.  Person A may need one hundred connections, while person B may need two. Of course, some individuals are happiest completely alone, but that is the topic for another post.  Most of us need some sort of healthy connection with others.  Single people can have wonderful connections, while some married individuals have terrible connections. It is all about the quality of the connection, not the type of connection.

Healthy connections can only happen through bilateral cooperation.  How many individuals expect the other connection member to meet their needs, or how many co-dependents assume all responsibility in a relationship?  

A sense of self is critical.  Self-esteem doesn’t mean that you are some sort of narcissist.  It means that you believe in your abilities and understand your limitation.  It implies that you know that you have equal worth with every other human on this planet. It means you have the right to say no to demands you deem inappropriate.

Realistic confidence parallels self-esteem. I’m not referring to“participation award” confidence. I’m talking about the confidence achieved not only by success but also by coping with failure. Another term for realistic confidence is resiliency.

The ability to empathize is critical.  Empathy is the ability to place yourself in someone else’s shoes. It is the ability to understand someone from their perspective rather than only your experience.

Kindness is mandatory.  Kindness is not a weakness; it is a strength.  Kindness allows you to extend yourself when it doesn’t serve your needs.  Kindness is an active process and very different from co-dependency or martyrdom.  Kind people can say yes, but they can also say no.  

Cooperation is required.  The ability to cooperate with others is needed in all relationships.  Those who have to win at any cost are isolated and alone.

Basic skill sets are also needed to function in the adult world.  There is no job beneath any person. If a toilet needs to be cleaned, the successful person knows how to do it.

An appreciation for our role in the greater universe is necessary.  We all have a voice, but there is something greater than ourselves.

Accepting that everyone must be a steward to each other and the greater planet we live on is necessary for balance. We are not islands but intimately connected to others and our world.

The above qualities place someone on a path to a successful life.  Naturally, many other factors intrinsic to the person and external to their lives also contribute—having interests, a desire to learn and grow, giving back, helping others, personal health, and so much more. 

All of this brings me to thoughts of my children and what an incredible blessing they are.  I have tried to be a good parent but can’t take full credit for their identity. My wife’s tireless efforts, as well as other adults and their friends, have contributed to who they are.  Importantly, their own genetic constitutions impacts them.  This last fact is beyond a parent’s control but likely as important as any other factor.

My kids are now adults, and I have witnessed them as such during this crisis time of Julie’s illness. I could give many examples, but the most immediate are those from today.  Our family has a tradition of making special days special for the honored individual.  My kids participated, but Julie or I have always orchestrated the actual process.

Today is Father’s Day, and Julie remains in the hospital.  This has been very stressful for Julie, myself, and our kids. Despite that, my Father’s Day celebration is in full swing. My kids baked homemade cinnamon rolls for me this morning and brought me breakfast in bed (a family tradition).  They asked me what I wanted for dinner and are preparing it as I write this.  

We visited Julie this afternoon, and everyone pitched in so we could take her around the beautiful Marianjoy gardens.  They knew I liked hiking, so we drove to a forest preserve for a family hike. Each of their actions required planning and execution.  Each required empathy and kindness.  Each needed cooperation and compromise. Each required a variety of skills.

At the moment, I’m staying out of their way, but I can hear their excited conversation and laughter emanating from the kitchen.  

This best Father’s Day is a present to me well beyond cinnamon rolls and cornflake chicken. My children are successful adults.  My pride in them is colossal.  My love for them is beyond limits. They have taught me how to love. What more could I want?

Happy Father’s Day

Guardian Angle

In February 2024 this website crashed for no apparent reason. Despite using professionals at it was impossible to restore anything after October 2021 (over 100 posts). I do have many of those post in draft form (no final edit or photos) and I have decided to repost them in that manner. I apologize for typos and other errors. How do I feel about losing all of my original work? Life goes on.

Have you ever had an incident where you felt that you were being protected or directed by a force beyond yourself? I have had many such events, some insignificant and others significant. Let me tell you about a few of them.

I drove to my son’s college last week to pack up about 90% of his belongings. He would graduate this week, and I knew the family would not want the hassle of packing on graduation day. The day before my packing trip, I was using my phone, and I developed a sudden fascination for the State Farm app. I had that app on my phone for years and never thought about it. Why would I be so interested in it now?

I opened the app and was immediately drawn to the section on roadside assistance. I had never used roadside assistance in the 40-plus years I had State Farm car insurance. “Hmm, I forgot I even had that,” I thought.  

Kathryn, Will, and I packed Violet the campervan to bursting. I then did a graduation photoshoot with Will in his cap and gown. Exhausted, KK and I were about to leave when I discovered that Violet had a flat tire. “Crap!” I said out loud. Violet is a big girl, and her spare is under her carriage. I had never changed a tire on her and thought I couldn’t manage it. However, my recent app awareness reminded me that I had roadside assistance. Forty-five minutes later, we were on our way back home.

When Kathryn was a freshman, I drove her and her belonging to the University of Arizona. I then drove back solo to Naperville in my tiny Honda Fit. There was a lot of road construction on my return trip, with long sections of the highway cordoned into single lanes using concrete barriers. I had heard that the state police were brutal on speeders in these areas, so I made sure that I turned on cruise control every time I was in a construction lane. 

I was in New Mexico, driving in a long, cordoned-off lane and daydreaming. Suddenly, I felt an overwhelming command. “LOOK IN YOUR REARVIEW MIRROR, NOW!” I did so and was horrified to see the giant grill of an 18-wheeler. The truck was so close to me that the driver could not see me. He wasn’t paying attention and was likely as distracted as I was. He would have overtaken the Honda in seconds, destroying it and killing me. I punched the gas pedal and slowly moved forward and away from the truck. Finally, he saw me and was clearly as freaked out by the event as I was. He stayed several miles away from me from that point on.

One more car example. As some of you know, I drove weekly to Rockford, Illinois, for many years. Part of that drive was on Interstate 39, a notoriously windy road. I was going home one Friday and was very tired. In front of me was a pickup truck pulling a camper trailer. Once again, I felt a firm command, “BACK UP, GIVE THAT TRAILER SPACE.” I slowed down and increased my interval from several car lengths to several blocks. The pickup tried to change lanes but couldn’t and jerked back into my lane. That jerk, plus the wind, sent the trailer into a wild oscillation, and within moments, it went airborne and then crashed horizontally right in my lane. I would have been crushed if I had been following at a normal distance.

These types of events go well beyond driving. Let me give you a couple of other examples.

When I was a student, many teachers would mark “on the curve.” In other words, the top grade on the test would become 100%, no matter the actual score. This was a way to compare student to student rather than using some arbitrary scoring standard. I often “broke the curve,” meaning I scored significantly higher than the other students. So my test score would become the defacto 100%. I am good at taking tests, but I have a secret weapon. Usually, when studying obscure facts (sometimes at the footnote level) would pop up, I would get the feeling, “STUDY THIS.” More often than not, that information would be prominently questioned on the test.

How about another academic example? This one you may have heard before. I didn’t have a lot of resources when I was younger. I got an full ride plus a stipend to attend graduate school and earned my Master’s in Biochemistry that way. I planned to continue to get a Ph.D. and become a university professor. However, I again had an overwhelming feeling, this time to do something crazy. “LEAVE GRADUATE SCHOOL AND APPLY TO MEDICAL SCHOOL.” This was an insane idea. I was incredibly fortunate to get a deal to attend grad school, and this feeling was telling me to throw the opportunity away.  

I attended a junior college for two years and then NIU for my undergraduate degree. I was surprised that graduate schools wanted me. Med school applicants start their preparations in high school and have the funds to attend top universities. That was not me. 

I fought the feeling thinking that it was academic suicide. This only made the urge stronger, “LEAVE GRADUATE SCHOOL. IT IS NOT FOR YOU! TRUST ME, APPLY TO MEDICAL SCHOOL” I finally gave in and left after my Master’s degree, got a research job at the University of Chicago, and applied to medical schools. I was confident that I had just thrown my life away. However, multiple schools interviewed and accepted me. I wound up attending one of the country’s top medical schools. That sort of stuff doesn’t happen to a blue-collar kid like me. 

Because I went to med school, I worked in a hospital. It was there that I met my wife. Yesterday I sat down with her and our three wonderful kids to celebrate Mother’s Day. None of that would have happened if I had continued my original path.  

OK, just one more example. As a teenager, I had a desk at the top of the second floor stairs in our old 1920s bungalow. The space between the desk and the stairs was adequate for a chair but not generous. One day I was seated at my desk and completely engrossed, trying to figure out a physics problem set. I kept working the equations one way, then another, but I couldn’t get the answer that I knew was correct. When I am in such a place, everything around me becomes muted, and my mind transcends into a place where all outside distractions disappear. Oblivious to the world, I found myself tapping my pencil as I rolled my chair back and forth, back and forth. Suddenly, I felt “STOP!” and simultaneously experienced what felt like two hands pressing on my shoulders, freezing me and freaking me out. I jumped up, and my chair crashed down the stairs and into the very hard dresser on the landing below. On my next unconscious roll, I would have tumbled down the stairs, with the crash breaking my neck or possibly even killing me. 

I could give other examples, but I hope you get the point. These events were controlled by a force outside of me. A power that would guide me, protect me, help me. I am still determining what it is.  

Some may say that it is just my subconscious processing data and popping up in my conscious when necessary. Others may say it is a random coincidence. Still, others may note that it is the direct voice of God. Or could we have spiritual beings connected to our Higher Power that travel life with us and protect us? Some may call such an entity a guardian angel. 

I’m leaning toward the last two explanations. But, naturally, I am still determining where the truth lies. There are many forces in the world that I neither understand nor comprehend. What do you think?

Homemade Laundry Soap

In February 2024 this website crashed for no apparent reason. Despite using professionals at it was impossible to restore anything after October 2021 (over 100 posts). I do have many of those post in draft form (no final edit or photos) and I have decided to repost them in that manner. I apologize for typos and other errors. How do I feel about losing all of my original work? Life goes on.

Years ago, I watched a reality TV show where the mom of a big family made her own laundry soap, I was fascinated, but the chemist in me was suspicious.  Yet, she said that her DIY product worked as well as the commercial stuff.  Since then, there have been countless variations of that same recipe, consisting of three ingredients: Super Washing Powder, Borax, and bar soap (usually Fells Naptha, Zote, or Dr. Bronners). The ratios of these three ingredients vary dramatically, with no clear winner among the recipes.  

During the pandemic, many stores in my area had empty selves that went beyond toilet paper. Cleaning agents like all-purpose cleaners and hygiene products like hand sanitizer and liquid hand soap became impossible to buy. Because of this, I started to create my own products with reasonable success.  The thought of making DIY laundry soap re-emerged, but again, the chemist in me rejected this idea. Recent searches of users of these concoctions confirm what my thoughts were long ago.  Because of this, I decided to do a deeper dive into the topic of homemade laundry soap.  if you are making your own laundry soap and are happy with the results, I am happy for you.  I don’t want to rain on your parade.  You do you.

Many of the current recipes are based on traditional laundry washing. I remember my mom doing laundry in the 1960s and the 1970s.  I also have some historical information on how my grandmother did laundry in the 1940s.  Their methods radically differed, reflecting how modern advances made the dreaded laundry day palatable.

In the 1940s, it was common to use traditional laundry soap.  The laundry was sorted and scrubbed with soap on a washboard until clean.  At some point, my grandmother would boil her items, likely to aid the cleaning/sanitizing process and to add blueing agents (which made whites look whiter).  During those years, people sometimes mixed in chemicals like washing soda or Borax to make their tasks easier. Let’s look at these three basic cleaning agents.

Super Washing Soda (a common brand of washing soda) is the chemical sodium carbonate.  It changes the pH of the water to be more alkaline.  In addition, it binds with minerals, like calcium, in the water to soften it—high pH and softer water clean more efficiently. Sodium carbonate is still widely used in commercial laundry detergents.

Borax is the common name for the chemical disodium tetraborate.  It also has a high pH and makes the wash water more alkaline.  In addition, borax can react with water to create hydrogen peroxide so that borax can act as a whitening agent. Borax was added in some early commercial detergent formulations (I remember it being in a laundry detergent in the 1960s) but eventually lost favor as borax can irritate the skin.  Also, borax has toxic qualities, which can cause illness if ingested or inhaled.

Laundry Bar Soap (Fells Naptha, Zote) is a harsh soap used for tasks like doing the laundry, but it can also be used for other cleanings, like dishwashing. I have read blogs where the writer claimed soap washes out of clothes easier than detergent; that is completely false. Laundry soap needs hot water to dissolve and doesn’t work well in cold water.  In addition, all soaps bind with minerals in the water to form soap scum.  This can mess up modern washing machines.  More importantly, soap scum is hard to rinse from clothing and traps oils and dirt, making clothes look dingy.  Bacteria thrive in this goop, causing them to smell bad.

The above problem was less of an issue for Grandma as she was using only natural fabrics, lots of water, and labor-intensive techniques (like boiling her clothes).

I recall my mom doing laundry, first with a wringer/washer and then with an automatic machine. She would use traditional laundry soap and a washboard only for stain treatment.  This was most commonly done to remove “ring around the collar.” As an adult, I have never seen a ring around my collar.  Are we just cleaner nowadays?

Mom saw the benefits of laundry detergent, which works better in modern washing machines and with modern fabrics than traditional bar soap.  Let’s take a look at detergents.

Detergents, just like soap, are surfactants.  Surfactants have unique properties where they are both hydrophilic (water-loving) and hydrophobic (water-hating). Fats and water don’t mix well. Surfactants act as a bridge allowing water to interact with fats so that the water can wash the body oils/grime off your clothes. 

Detergents require a multistep manufacturing process using a substrate which is often petroleum-based but can be other things, like plant oils. Detergents can be manufactured with different properties, such as high foaming (suds) or low foaming.  Unlike soap, detergents don’t form soap scum and can be formulated to rise well.  Detergents can be designed to dissolve in cold water and to work more effectively in that environment. Modern detergents are biodegradable, like soap.  

You can see the advantages of detergents in many cleaning/hygiene products. Detergents are the principal cleaning agents in laundry detergent, dish and dishwasher detergent, and hygiene products such as shampoo, body wash, and liquid hand soap. Detergent formulas can be very strong or extremely mild.  If you have a skin condition like eczema, your dermatologist will likely recommend using a “soap” like Dove unscented, Aveeno, or Vanacreme.  None of these are really soap; these bars are made from mild detergents.

Commercial laundry detergent products contain a lot more than detergent. In addition, they may have water-softening agents, color-fast bleaches, color-brighteners, and various ingredients to remove specific stains.  Stain removal agents may include oxidizing agents (like Oxiclean) and enzymes designed to dissolve specific stains. Detergents may also have preservatives to increase their shelf life.  Detergents can be customized for a particular region based on the type of water present. 

All of the above ingredients add to the cost of the product, which is why better-rated detergents like Tide or Persil cost more.  Bargain detergent products may omit some of the expensive additions, like stain-removing enzymes.

Eco-friendly cleaners like Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds and Tru-Earth laundry sheets also use detergents as their main cleaning agent.  They may have a shorter list of additives (and clean less effectively).  These brands will proudly proclaim things like they are “phosphate free.”  However, all laundry detergents have been phosphate-free for decades. Laundry sheets are manufactured with a dissolvable plastic that binds the cleaning agents together. In addition, cardboard boxes/jugs are often plasticized, making them difficult to recycle or compost. Are these products better for the environment or just greenwashed to make the consumer feel better?  I’ll leave that to you to decide.

When my kids were in grade school, we submitted a project to their school’s science fair, where we compared less expensive laundry detergents to more expensive ones. We stained white tee shirts with various things (catsup, chocolate syrup, etc.) and then washed them.  We did one wash with no detergent as a control. The more expensive Tide cleaned stains better than the cheaper brands.  However, we also discovered that water by itself lightened stains. Our observations showed that water alone was about 60% as effective as washing with Tide.  This makes sense, as water is the universal solvent. However, this can cloud a laundry soap maker’s judgment as you can toss almost anything into the washer and get a cleaner product.  However, much of that cleaning may be due to water, plus the agitating action of the machine.

This latter point also deserves mention.  Adding energy increases cleaning ability.  Washing clothes on a washboard, adding hot water, or using an agitator all add energy to cleaning reactions and generally result in a cleaner wash.  

There is logic in the formulation of homemade laundry detergents. Still, they can’t compete with modern commercial products based on the information I have provided above.  To combat the soap scum issue, many home products use very little soap, but inadequate soap means less cleaning.  Still, many reports from DIYers say that over time their clothes look duller, smell worse, and are less absorbent.  I have seen some DIY formulas that have become incredibly complex in an attempt to combat these issues.  One recipe used Super Washing Soda, Borax, Fells Naptha bars, Zote bars, powdered Gain laundry detergent, Oxyclean, and scent crystals. Gain is a detergent, and Ocyclean contains detergent, so the lady’s improvements can be traced to the detergent in those products.  

Several videos and blogs describe how you can “strip” your clothes to eliminate all the residue and gunk from DIY soaps.  Lastly, some DIY soap users add vinegar to their rinse cycle in an attempt to wash away some of the soap scum and to make their items softer. The fact that DIY laundry soaps don’t work as well as commercial laundry detergent seems to be a secret everyone knows.

The most effective DIY laundry soap recipes use detergent, often Dawn dish detergent, as their surfactant instead of laundry soap. Dish detergent is designed for suds, so you must use less in machines requiring low suds. Despite being more effective than laundry soap, these concoctions are less effective than commercial laundry detergent. It should be noted that these recipes are homemade diluted laundry detergents, not laundry soaps.

Beyond the perceived idea that DIY laundry soaps are more natural, most cite cost as the reason they mix up their batches. Remember, there is a difference between cost and value. Can you still save money if you decide to forgo DIY laundry soap?  The answer is yes.

The most expensive laundry detergents clean the widest range of stains.  That may be great if you have a bunch of toddlers who are constantly spilling on themselves.  However, many of us are adults, fairly sedentary, and neat. Our clothes may get clean using a cheaper laundry detergent with fewer ingredients. This price difference can be significant.  For instance, a 40-ounce bottle of Persil at my local grocery store sells for $8.99 and does around 25 loads at a cost of 36 cents per load.  While a 32-load bottle of LA Totally Awesome laundry detergent at Dollar Tree costs only 4 cents a load ($1.25/32 = 0.039). Naturally, there are many brands between these price points, plus buying on sale or in larger quantities can offer additional savings. 

The cost for most mid-level laundry detergents is about 7-13 cents a load. If you assume 10 cents a load and are a single person or couple, it is reasonable to think that you will do four or fewer loads of laundry per week.  4 loads x 52 weeks = 208 loads per year.  Two hundred eight loads times 10 cents is only $21 for a year’s worth of washing. I don’t think a DIY laundry product would cost you much less.

People frequently use too much detergent, which can be easy as manufacturers design confusing measuring caps.  The amount of needed detergent may be as little as 1/8th to 1/4th the volume of the measuring cap, so read the instructions on the bottle. The excessive detergent will not wash out of your clothes and give you the same problems as laundry soap.  

Can you use less detergent than recommended?  Some say yes, but most manufacturers base their recommendations on what works.  Use less, but return to the recommended amount if you are unhappy with the results.

You may ask, what is better, pods, powder, liquid, or sheets?  Pods are convenient but much more expensive.  Powders may be more eco-friendly as they don’t come in a huge plastic jug. They also may be less expensive to buy than liquids.  Newer powder formulations dissolve better in cold water but not as well as liquid detergents.  Liquid detergents dissolve well in cold water, are effective, and you can use them directly on a stain as a pretreatment, but you have to contend with their huge and eco-unfriendly jugs. Detergent sheets use less packaging but may not be as eco-friendly as their advertising would want you to believe. I have read reports from several consumers who felt that sheets did not work as well as more traditional agents. It can all be a bit confusing. 

For occasional stains, a simple pretreatment may do the job. American’s Test Kitchen found that soaking overnight with Oxyclean was better at removing stains than spray stain removers. There are also enzymatic soaks that you can purchase; the product Biz comes to mind. Soaking overnight works better than adding these same agents to the wash load.

Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and go with the top brands.  If you or your spouse is an auto mechanic, it may be worth spending the extra money. Most would wash greasy uniforms separately, so you could still use a less expensive brand for the rest of your laundry loads. I knew someone who worked a very dirty/greasy job and bought a used second washer for his work clothes.  I also read a post about a family using an old ringer/washer for such items.  They could use lots of very hot water and long agitator times to dissolve away the grime without contaminating their fancy newer machine.

Godspeed if you are happy with your DIY laundry soap.  However, if you aren’t happy or don’t want to be your own chemist, try some of my suggestions.


Hegemony And Quantum Mechanics

In February 2024 this website crashed for no apparent reason. Despite using professionals at it was impossible to restore anything after October 2021 (over 100 posts). I do have many of those post in draft form (no final edit or photos) and I have decided to repost them in that manner. I apologize for typos and other errors. How do I feel about losing all of my original work? Life goes on.

One of the advantages of being retired is that I can dip my toes into areas of study that would be impractical if I was still working. Then, focusing on learning things I needed to know was more important. Any leisure time was spent with family and on a few creative hobbies, with both add-ons necessary to keep me sane and centered. 

Free time isn’t free; it is a gift that can be utilized or squandered. It was so foreign that it took me several post-retirement years to adjust to it fully.

When I am inclined, I like to explore esoteric areas. Most recently, I have been studying the cosmos- the most gigantic structure we humans are aware of, and balancing that information with quantum mechanics and quantum wave theory, which are concerned with the smallest particles in nature. 

I must admit that my knowledge of either field is primitive, and even at my minuscule level of understanding, these topics are complicated and overwhelming. 

Our observable universe has trillions of galaxies; each has billions of star systems with planets. However, the actual universe is larger than our observable universe as the cosmos expanded at a speed greater than the speed of light at its inception. Because of this, some distant star’s light will never reach us. You are probably thinking, “But I thought nothing could go faster than the speed of light. Isn’t that what Einstein said in his theory of special relativity?” The speed of light is a fundamental constant in nature, but natural laws did not exist at the dawn of our universe. Those laws were established once light and matter came into being.

At the dawn of the universe, there were no long-lived elemental particles and certainty no atoms. The emerging universe was too hot to allow the creation of such things. As the universe cooled, subatomic particles formed that could join together to create hydrogen atoms, and with such formations, matter, as we know it, came into being. At the beginning of the universe, there was likely only one or two fundamental forces of nature that eventually separated into the four fundamental forces that govern the cosmos: electromagnetic, strong, weak, and gravitational. Physicists have been able to work backward and mathematically to join the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces together. Still, they have yet to figure out how the gravitational force is part of a single elementary force model. 

The values of any of these forces could have been different when the universe was forming. If any of these value was even slightly altered, the universe and everything in it as we know it would not exist. That is an amazing realization. How did we get the perfect values necessary for matter and, in turn, for life to exist? There is no current way to determine this. Some may say that an all-powerful intelligence designed the universe; others may state that there have been infinite universes, and ours just happened to be the lucky one where the numbers worked out. This is where science breaks down into philosophy, at least for now. 

The universe is expanding, but we don’t know what it is expanding into. As our scientific tools become more sophisticated, more questions arise. Galaxies are spinning much faster than they should be, and the overall speed of the universe expanding is faster than what is calculable based on our measurements of the known matter and energy present in the universe. Something else is speeding things up. Physicists call these forces dark matter and dark energy, two things we can’t see or measure with our current technology. However, we believe they are present based on how they impact things we can see and measure. Further, we can determine that both exist in much greater quantity than the matter we can see and the energy we can measure. The majority of the universe is, therefore, invisible to us.

The idea that the universe is full of invisible things isn’t as far-fetched as it seems. Neutrinos are proven to be the most abundant particle in the universe (we can measure them), but they react poorly with classic matter, so they pass through it. About 100 trillion neutrinos pass through your body every second, and you are completely unaware of it. 

At the beginning of the universe, there was only energy. The universe rapidly expanded, and in the process, it cooled enough to form elementary particles, such as quarks, leptons, and gluons. As it cooled further, these elementary particles combined to form hydrogen atoms that served as stars’ fuel. In turn, the incredible energy and pressure of the stars formed helium and the other naturally occurring elements that make up our universe. These elements make up our oceans, skies, and land. It is amazing to realize that they also make up us. Why are we living while mountains are not? Another mystery.

The greatest scientist who ever lived was thought to be Sir Isaac Newton. His recognition of universal gravitation and his laws of motion became the foundation of physics. His formulas developed in the 1600s were accurate enough to guide Apollo 11 to the moon successfully. However, they were incomplete as they couldn’t accurately explain the movement of some things we could observe in nature.

It was possible to correctly model the orbits of all known planets in our solar system using Newton’s classical equations, except for the planet Mercury. A patent clerk named Albert Einstein solved this conundrum in the early 1900s. He developed theories that went beyond Sir Isaac Newton’s observational equations. It turns out that Newton’s equations are correct, but they only work in certain situations. In reality, they are a subset of Einstein’s broader concepts. Newton’s equations are not accurate when dealing with the extreme. Among Einstein’s brilliant ideas are his special and general theories of relativity. One concept from these discoveries is the concept of space-time. Space (as measured by height, width, and depth) and time are joined together. Time is not a constant but varies. An accurate clock in a satellite experiences time faster than an accurate clock on earth. Time is moving faster in your head than in your feet (as your head is farther away from the earth’s gravity). So your head is aging faster. However, this difference is so tiny that you would never know it. These theories are hard to conceptualize, but they have been proven to be correct many times in experiments. 

So why couldn’t classical physics (Newton’s equations) predict the orbit of Mercury? Huge objects, like the sun, can significantly warp space-time. Since Mercury is close to our massive sun, it is impacted more by this warping. That warping impacts Mercury’s orbit in a way not predicted by Newtonian (classic) physics, but it is perfectly calculated by Einstein’s equations. If an object has enough mass, it can even warp the path of light, even though light has no mass on its own. This has also been proven many times and is an accepted fact. Black holes warp space-time so much that massless light can’t escape a black hole, which is why they appear black. When it comes to how very large objects interact or things (like light) that move incredibly fast, our observable understanding of how things work (classical physics) fails, but Einstein’s theories on general and special relativity prevail.

What about things that are on a very tiny scale? Enter the world of quantum mechanics, which is even more bizarre than relativity. The quantum world operates by rules very different from the macro world. The quantum world behaves so strangely that Einstein felt that parts of quantum mechanics couldn’t be true. He sarcastically referred to one aspect of quantum mechanics as “spooky.” However, he was wrong, and quantum theory has been proven both mathematically and through scientific experiments. 

It is difficult to understand basic quantum mechanics because things react differently than what we experience in our macro world. We know that electrons circle the nucleus of an atom, but quantum theory says that we have no way of knowing exactly where an electron is as it can be everywhere and nowhere at any time. Its position only exists when we measure it as if measuring it pulls the electron into existence. Quantum theory also embraces the concept of entanglement. Let’s say two electrons were created together simultaneously as a pair. They will always react instantly to each other, no matter how far apart. If one is spinning to the right, the other will spin to the left even if the universe separates the electrons. Relativity says that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, so entanglement must be connecting these electrons by some other method beyond our comprehension.  

In high school physics, we are taught that light can act as a wave (electromagnetic wave) and a particle (a photon). Quantum mechanics says the opposite is true: a particle (electron) can act as a wave. It all sounds pretty crazy, but quantum mechanics is one of the most proven theories in physics. Eventually, even Einstein had to admit that quantum mechanics was correct. Quantum mechanics has real uses too. Quantum mechanics makes possible many practical things, from lasers to solar cells. Scientists are developing computers based on quantum mechanics, and some experimental prototypes exist. A fully functioning quantum computer could perform complicated tasks exponentially faster than our current computers relying on classical principles. 

Large objects can be defined by general relativity (including Newton’s classic laws), and quantum mechanics defines tiny objects like atoms. Both disciplines work very well for their respective purpose. However, they are not compatible with each other. In other words, the two theories are not unified. Many physicists have tried to join these theories into a theory of everything but failed.

In addition, there are some situations where quantum mechanics break down. For instance, when a particle is approaching the speed of light. There is no consideration for speed in quantum mechanic equations making this theory incomplete.

There are now other theories that try to address the above problems. One is quantum field theory (different from quantum mechanics), which says that there are various fields that universality exists everywhere. These fields can have local areas of disturbance, and those peaks are what we observe as subatomic particles. Remember that subatomic particles form atoms, and atoms form everything in our known universe. 

Another theory is string theory and its cousin, M theory, where strings of vibrating energy create matter as we know it. For string theory to work, there must be other dimensions (beyond height, width, and dep or X, Y, and Z axes) in our universe. However, as humans, we can’t conceptualize such things as our world as an X, Y, Z world, not one with ten or more dimensions. 

The ontology of these two theories is different, but they explain the same thing. The problem with them is that they are not provable by any of our current methods of observation, so they are more philosophical rather than scientific. However, conceptually they are very interesting. We know that matter and energy are related by Einstein’s famous E =MC2 equation. The detonation of the atom bomb demonstrated that mass could be converted into energy. However, quantum wave and string theories suggest that energy can be converted into matter. In other words, everything we think of as matter is just fluctuating quantum fields or strings of energy (depending on what you ascribe to). Matter is just energy in a different form. Crazy, I know.

This brings to mind the movie, “The Matrix,” where people live in a synthetic computer-generated world so that machines can draw on human energy for their own nefarious reasons. Of course, that is science fiction. However, it is reasonable to think that all living things and the universe around us are just fluctuations in energy. Think about the complexity of that! It also implies that we are all joined together in some way which could explain certain phenomena that exists but doesn’t fit into a classic scientific model. How did all of this happen? God? Chance? Other? I’ll leave that for you to ponder.

Random thoughts and my philosophy of life.