I started the drive in 2009. Back and forth, rain or shine, I always went. Ninety miles, an hour and twenty minutes, two tolls. Traveling, only to return back to where I started in my round trip.
I travel mostly silently, surrounded by my thoughts. Thoughts not of grand scale, but small thoughts that entertain me. Small thoughts that keep me company. They reside privately with me, rarely to be shared.
They drift and slide, here and there, as I look ahead at the road before me.
I drive 90 miles to Rockford, then 90 miles back to my home. Net distanced traveled is zero. This simple calculation misses the point of my journey.
I think small thoughts that can be circular. On the surface their value is also zero. But to value them based on this metric misses the point of their existence.
My introverted mind uses my trip time… my quiet time, to grown and recharge. In a pressured life that measures time in quarter hour increments. Well spent time.
Today my goal is to accept who I am and celebrate it. To judge myself based on my own self, and not by comparison to others. To known what I need, and to freely give it.
Today I needed to drive to Rockford, and to drive back home… and to think.