Happy Thanksgiving
Today, Thursday, we celebrate Thanksgiving in the US. For me it is a day of reflection and a day of gratitude.
I have so many things to be thankful for. The list is endless. At the moment I am thankful that I was able to jog to my local Starbucks and afford a cup of coffee.
But I am most thankful for the people in my life. I am a shy introvert, but people have found me and loved me. I have many flaws, but they kid me about them instead of ridiculing me because of them. They celebrate my odd quirks, instead of telling me that I’m pathological. They accept my aging looks, rather than finding better looking connections. They value my talents, rather than making me feel like I have to hide them less I make them feel bad. They love me for my intrinsic self, not what they think I should be.
I am thankful.