It is early and the air is still damp with the rain of last evening. It smells fresh and good. I’m waiting for the doors to open at the office complex that houses the gym. My early arrival is a sign of both progress and problem.
Progress in the sense that I’m arriving earlier. Problem in the the sense that I can’t get into the building. The later fact will hopefully be rectified in a few weeks when I get a better keycard.
It is strange how I can feels energized one day and exhausted the next. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to my altered energy states. For now I am just trying to accept them and adapt accordingly.
I am once again reminded of the benefit of accountability as I try to move forward. Knowing that someone is waiting for me pushes me out of bed on days when an extra 30 minutes of pillow time would be welcomed. I suppose this is a personal reality for me, as I tend to be responsible and I dislike not delivering when I make a commitment. I think different people have different motivators.
Today I will continue move forward accepting the reality that on some days that movement will be more compromised than others.